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Category: Mental Health

Mental Health issues you need to look out for during the Coronavirus quarantine!

Mental Health issues you need to look out for during the Coronavirus quarantine! mental health issues

These days are tough on everyone. The world has not experienced this much change in a long time. People everywhere have had to start living their lives in a very different way and change at times brings stress and even depression. Some people have lost their jobs, some have lost their loved ones and some […]

Psychological Effects of Covid 19 on Society Today 20’

Psychological Effects of Covid 19 on Society Today 20’

The Coronavirus pandemic that was documented to have begun late last year has taken its toll on the psychological, physical and emotional health of every living individual worldwide. In current news there are 1,677,190 cases of the virus, deaths are at 101,559 and more than 372,403 people have recovered. Late last month in March governments […]

A Mental Health Clinic Miami Locals Trust Tells You How to Find Help

A Mental Health Clinic Miami Locals Trust Tells You How to Find Help

It is one thing to admit you have a problem, it’s another actually to seek assistance for the problem. When dealing with depression, it is hard enough. How do you express to your doctor that you are depressed? The experts at Neurosciences Medical Clinic are here help provide you with the necessary information to get […]

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